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Quality of Teaching Quality of Learning

Quality of Teaching Quality of Learning (QoTQoL)

‘The best available evidence indicates that great teaching is the most important lever schools  have to  improve outcomes for their pupils’ – EEF


We will ensure that every teacher is supported in delivering high-quality teaching and that this is essential to achieving the best outcomes for all pupils.

It is important that we take into account and consider how children learn, how they can be engaged in their learning, how they develop knowledge and skills, and how they can be supported to lay firm foundations for later learning. Teaching approaches that understand the individual child, ensure long-term retention of knowledge and fluency in key skills are fundamental to learning and effective teaching.

We will ensure that approaches such as explicit instruction, scaffolding and flexible grouping are all key components of high-quality teaching and learning for pupils. Teachers will need to be mindful of the differing needs within their classes – having high expectations for all pupils means it is just as important to avoid over-scaffolding as it is to ensure all pupils are adequately supported.

We have a developed a robust process that looks to support, coach and develop every teacher, one that has moved away from formal observation, judgement and feedback to a coaching and mentoring model where they are at the heart of their own development and teaching journey. Through this process we have a ‘full’ picture of pupil progress and do not limit this to data but include this as part of the picture and the development of the whole child, improving outcomes for all learners.