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Discovery Curriculum

The Discovery Curriculum at Curnow School

The Discovery  curriculum at Curnow School is followed by pupils who are assessed as ready for subject specific learning.  The Discovery curriculum runs from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4 and is progressive in both content and delivery.  It is designed to ensure that the experience of pupils at key stage 1 will be very different to the experiences of key stage 4 learners, regardless of the level that they may be working at.  Our intention for our curriculum is to develop skills that will take our pupils on to adult life with a love for learning and with skills to take them beyond the world of education.

The curriculum areas are divided into core subjects, understanding of the world subjects and creative curriculum subjects. The core subjects are taught most frequently, with the entitlement and enrichment subjects providing breadth and balance to the learning experience.  RE is a statutory subject and is taught according to the guidelines set out in the SACRE document.

Core Curriculum subjects

Maths, English, PSHE/RSE and Physical Development

Intent: To focus on the acquisition of skills and knowledge, ensuring there is time for these skills to be practiced, used and applied. These retained skills will positively impact on the lives of our pupils beyond education. 


Formally assessed - Subject specific

Understanding the World subjects

Science, Design and Technology, Computing,  Religious Education

Intent: To ensure pupils have a greater understanding of the world around them and are able to use and apply these skills within their adult lives to support independence, health and where appropriate the world of work.


Subject specific/Personal targets

Creative Curriculum subjects

Art, Music, Drama

Intent: To provide our pupils with the opportunities to be expressive and creative, to learn and generalise skills, explore where there is no wrong or right and develop new interests that will help them to enjoy learning and life beyond school.


Personal targets

For our pupils, maintaining engagement and interest are paramount to ensure that they get the best and most productive experience of their education.  Throughout the school we recognise the value in following the interests and developing the strengths of the pupils to support them to become confident young people, progressing into adult life as independently as possible.   Our teaching staff work hard to incorporate specialist methods and advice as well as their own flair, creativity and intimate knowledge of each and every pupil to plan and deliver sequential, stimulating and inspirational learning activities.

We take great pride in our learning environments, providing stimulating and appropriate areas for learning.  We exploit all opportunities to learn outside of the school environment, whether that be using the school grounds or accessing the local environment, enhancing the learning experience and with the added benefit of preparing our pupils for life outside of school.